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< Beachapedia:Factoid‎ | 2004‎ | 06

European Union Needs to Strengthen Beach Water Quality Regulations

"(The European standard) doesn't really protect the public health completely, in our view. At the moment, it's something like a one in 12 risk of getting gastro-enteritis at a government-passed beach (approved under European bathing water regulations) in the UK and as water users use not just designated bathing waters... that's clearly not good enough and needs improvement. The public should be aware that outside the bathing season in particular, water quality can change a lot. I think it's not until the bathing water directive is revised that we can truly feel safe using the UK's waters for bathing," - excerpt from Richard Hardy, the campaigns director for the enviro group, Surfers' Against Sewage. Quote appears in the Planet Ark article at

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