

From Beachapedia

< Beachapedia:Factoid‎ | 2004‎ | 06

Surfrider Foundation Volunteers Test the Waters Near Maverick's

"Frustrated by contamination warnings that offer too little information too late, Larenas and fellow members of the San Mateo County chapter of the Surfrider Foundation this week opened a water quality testing lab in El Granada, near Half Moon Bay. Volunteers plan to sample and analyze seawater in the lab every Monday, then promptly post the results on the group's Web site, in local surf shops, newspapers and other public locations. Test results also will be entered in a database, to detect any trends. Because the lab is so close to the beach, the turnaround time is faster than county water testing, which is mandated by law. So information can get to those who need it: surfers and swimmers." - excerpt from the San Jose Mercury News article by Lisa M. Krieger, June 23, 2004 at (free registration required)

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