

From Beachapedia

< Beachapedia:Factoid‎ | 2013‎ | 03

County of Santa Barbara is Currently Drafting the Gaviota Coastal Plan

"Based on the values, concerns, and goals expressed by the Gaviota Coast community and the Gaviota Planning Advisory Committee (GavPAC), the County of Santa Barbara is currently drafting the Gaviota Coastal Plan. The Plan will guide community development and land use for the Gaviota Coast by creating new policies, programs, and planning tools to enhance and strengthen ongoing resource conservation and agricultural stewardship in order to protect the resources of the Gaviota Coast for future generations. The Gaviota Coast Plan will also provide a local vision for lasting protection of the Gaviota Coast over the next 20 years." - excerpt from website of County of Santa Barbara, Long Range Planning Division.

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