State of the Beach/Methodology/Beach Fill

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State coastal managers sometimes use large dredge and fill projects as a tool to address coastal erosion. This temporary or short-term fix often leads to a costly dependence on frequent repeats of the project. In our report we provide fill project locations and costs, when available. This will enable local citizens to be aware of fill projects on or near their beaches and how much it is costing them. Also, within this section of the report we have included a summary of each state's policies pertaining to beach fill, when available.

Threshold criteria for the beach fill indicator are:

7 to 10 ­- An accurate, up to date, comprehensive statewide inventory of beach fill projects that includes funding sources and costs, as well as the long term monitoring of these projects for effectiveness and potential adverse impacts and cumulative effects
4 to 6 ­- An inventory of beach fill projects, but limited in geographic extent or lacking in detail about funding sources, costs and ecological effects
1 to 3 ­- Little to no information of value on beach fill projects