State of the Beach/State Reports/NJ/Surfing Areas

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New Jersey Ratings
Indicator Type Information Status
Beach Access84
Water Quality78
Beach Erosion8-
Erosion Response-4
Beach Fill8-
Shoreline Structures8 2
Beach Ecology3-
Surfing Areas35
Coastal Development{{{19}}}{{{20}}}
Sea Level Rise{{{21}}}{{{22}}}

Inventory and Perception of Status

Generally, all of New Jersey's surf spots are sand bottom beach breaks, with the best waves being produced by jetties and groins that shape sandbars. The state of New Jersey's 85 surfing areas are in good condition, but two of the spots are facing access restrictions. The U.S. Coast Guard restricts access at "Trestles" and the "Rocks," as they are located on their base. Other issues of concern to New Jersey's surfers are beach fill, beach access, ocean dumping, and water quality. The cities control all the beaches within their borders, and with a few exceptions the cities do not express much concern for the surfing areas, nor do they consider them a valuable recreational resource. Several surf spots in Long Branch have been destroyed, at least temporarily, by recent beach fill projects. Also see the discussion in the Beach Fill section regarding how a beach fill project in Sandy Hook was modified to preserve the "Big Cove" surfing spot there. Sandy Hook was one of many beach areas impacted by Superstorm Sandy in October 2012.

There is also concern about possible toxic materials in the sediments used for fill in the state. Water quality in the northern portion of the state continues to be a major concern due to polluted runoff.

Recognition by State

Although New Jersey does not officially recognize surfing as an economic, cultural, and recreational resource, the photo on the web page linked below implies that they do.

In the 2009 Guide to New Jersey Beaches (unfortunately, this is no longer published) there was a comprehensive listing and description of beaches where surfing is permitted (see the "Additional Information" section for each beach).

Surfrider Foundation Chapters

Jersey Shore Chapter40° 10' 42.41" N, 74° 1' 18.49" W
South Jersey Chapter39° 23' 23.78" N, 74° 35' 45.68" W

<html><fieldset class="rcoptions"> <legend></html>Jersey Shore Chapter<html></legend></html> Jersey Shore Chapter Website

Latest Posts on the Jersey Shore Chapter Blog:

The Jersey Shore Chapter of Surfrider Foundation is committed to the protection and enjoyment of the Jersey Shore's waves and beaches. Chapter volunteers:

  • Implement Respect the Beach, an educational program that introduces students to how waves are formed, how beaches are built and basic beach safety and ecology.
  • Employ Surfrider Foundation's Blue Water Task Force, a water quality monitoring, education and advocacy program, to educate New Jersey citizens about coastal water quality problems and to build support for national coastal water quality testing and monitoring standards.
  • Address political and environmental issues that threaten New Jersey beaches and waters, including beach replenishment, ocean dumping, and public beach access.
  • Strive to open and preserve surfing beaches in coastal communities all along the Jersey Shore.
  • Participate in a host of community and public events, including festivals, beach sweeps and dune grass planting.
  • Host and participate in surf clinics and contests, including the Chapter's annual Manasquan Classic Longboard Contest, to promote surfing to the young and young-at-heart.

The latest chapter news can be found at

Check out the Jersey Shore Chapter blog at

You can contact the Jersey Shore Chapter via email at


<html><fieldset class="rcoptions"> <legend></html>South Jersey Chapter<html></legend></html> South Jersey Chapter Website

Latest Posts on the South Jersey Chapter Blog:

Founded in the fall of 2002, the South Jersey Chapter has built momentum by increasing membership and becoming more familiar with environmental issues that are specific to our area. The South Jersey Chapter encompasses the area from Brigantine, NJ south to Cape May. Due to the highly seasonal nature of our area, the Chapter also draws upon Philadelphia-area residents for membership.

Currently, the Chapter is developing a list of potential issues that it may attempt to influence. These include planned beach replenishment and limited access to area beaches. If you have an issue of particular interest in you community, please email the chapter at

The chapter urges members and other beach enthusiasts to do the following to help keep these beaches:

  • Use these beaches - Take advantage of these spots or we will lose them!
  • Treat the neighborhood with respect - No "Beach Changes" or trash in the street.
  • Support our chapter - Your support and interest is vital in improving our waves & beaches.

Other chapter news can be found at

Check out the South Jersey Chapter blog at

You can contact the South Jersey Chapter via email at


Surfrider Staff Contact

John Weber
Mid-Atlantic Regional Manager

Also check out Surfrider Mid-Atlantic Region's website for Surfrider news from New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Washington D.C.

Information Sources

The summary of surfing areas comes from Surfer Magazine's The Surf Report issues for the state. Surfrider Foundation chapters were surveyed to establish surfing conditions in the state.

Other sources of information on surfing in New Jersey include:

State of the Beach Report: New Jersey
New Jersey Home Beach Description Beach Access Water Quality Beach Erosion Erosion Response Beach Fill Shoreline Structures Beach Ecology Surfing Areas Website
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