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Cigarette Butts Are Plastic, Toxic Pollution
- - Cigarette butts typically account for nearly one in every five items collected during a beach clean up. - The average cigarette butt contains numerous chemicals which are diluted in the ocean water and may be considered health hazards when swallowed. - The cigarette filter was designed to trap the toxic chemicals in the cigarette smoke from entering the smoker's body. When submerged in water, the toxic chemicals trapped in the filter leak out into aquatic ecosystems, threatening the quality of the water and many forms of aquatic life; - Cigarette filters (the Butts) are made of cellulose acetate (plastic) and are NOT biodegradable, while the paper and tobacco in the cigarette are. - The filters contain small plastic pieces that can interfere with the digestion of food, casing marine life to starve. (Source: Surfrider San Diego Chapter)
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