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< Beachapedia:Factoid | 2002 | 11
More Coastal Dunes Protected in Morro Bay in California
- "The protection last week of 40 acres of rare coastal dune habitat is the first step in a plan to set aside 1,000 acres of wildlife habitat. The 40 acre addition to Morro Bay State Park supports several endangered and threatened plant and animal species. The project also advances efforts to create the Morro Bay Dunes Greenbelt, a proposed habitat and trail corridor of more than 1,000 acres connecting Montana de Oro State Park and Morro Bay State Park. The Trust for Public Land (TPL) bought the tract in Los Osos for $1.5 million from a private seller. The parcel was then transferred to the California Department of Parks and Recreation to be protected as part of Morro Bay State Park." -Excerpt from the Environmental News Service at http://ens-news.com/ens/nov2002/2002-11-25-09.asp#anchor7
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