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< Beachapedia:Factoid‎ | 2003‎ | 04

Ocean Commission's Deliberative Phase Ends - Final Report Soon

"The Ocean Commission held a public meeting at George Washington University on April 2nd and 3rd to discuss policy options pertaining to regional governance and watershed issues. Recommendations were made with regard to several topic areas including vessel pollution, invasive species, marine debris and nonpoint source pollution. A full summary of the meeting will soon be available at This was the fifteenth public meeting held by the Commission and the third dedicated to discussion of policy options. The conclusion of the meeting marked the end of the Commissions deliberative phase. They will now proceed with developing their recommendations into a National Oceans Report for submittal to Congress and the President. The report is scheduled for completion by the end of the summer. A draft version of the report will be published in the Federal Register and followed by an opportunity for public comment. For more information, please contact Jennifer Linn at 202-566-1258 or" - Excerpt from the U.S. EPA's email newsletter, WaterNews, 4/10/03.

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