From Beachapedia
< Beachapedia:Factoid | 2004 | 02
Huge Benefits to Protecting Both Mangrove Forests and Coral Reefs
- "There is nothing subtle about these numbers," said Dr. Peter Mumby, a researcher from the University of Exeter in England and the study's lead author. "This research shows a direct link between mangroves and the number of fish on coral reefs including several species of snapper that are heavily fished. Protecting mangroves in association with reefs will provide a much bigger return on investment than only protecting reefs in isolation." - excerpt referring to a recent study whose results are to be published in the journal Nature. The excerpt was from the ENN article at http://www.enn.com/direct/display-release-m.asp?objid=%7C%7CD1D1366D000000FA819762EFC7184C81
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