From Beachapedia
< Beachapedia:Factoid | 2004 | 03
The Surfrider Foundation Joined the Lawsuit Defending the Texas Open Beaches Act
- "The Texas Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation is a defendant in the lawsuit filed by some of the front-row property owners in Surfside, Texas. Surfrider joined this suit as a co-defendant with the General Land Office and the State of Texas. Surfrider is helping to defend the Texas Open Beaches Act... The plaintiffs in this lawsuit are the owners of beach houses that have been stranded on public beach for several years as the result of serious beach erosion in Surfside. They are suing the Texas Open Beaches Act (OBA) -- the law passed in 1957 to protect the beach as a public resource and that now makes these houses illegal." - excerpt from Surfrider Foundation Texas Chapter web site at http://www.surfrider.org/texas/projects/Suit/index.html
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