From Beachapedia
< Beachapedia:Factoid | 2004 | 03
USA and Others Granted Exemptions to Destroy More Atmospheric Upper Level Ozone
- "An intergovernmental meeting here [in Montreal] on the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer has granted limited 'critical use exemptions' to 11 developed countries facing a year-end deadline for phasing out methyl bromide... The 11 countries are Australia (145 metric tons), Belgium (47), Canada (56), France (407), Greece (186), Italy (2,133), Japan (284), Portugal (50), Spain (1,059), the United Kingdom (129) and the United States (8,942)." - note that the US exemption is substantially more than all other exemptions combined. Depletion of atmospheric upper ozone increases the amount of harmful, skin-cancer-causing, sun's rays that reach the earth. Excerpt quoted above is from http://www.enn.com/direct/display-release-m.asp?objid=%7C%7CD1D1364B000000FB9883063990E4526F
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