From Beachapedia
< Beachapedia:Factoid | 2004 | 06
Gray Whales Seem To Be Increasing in Numbers in Eastern Pacific
- "Federal biologists here have reported the highest count of migrating gray whale calves in 11 years, an encouraging sign for a species that had appeared to be in decline recently. Conducting the annual March to June survey as the whales swim north, biologists with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration counted 455 pairs of calves and mothers from a vantage point along the coast in northern San Luis Obispo County. The counts had been as low as 97 calves in 2000 and 87 in 2001." - excerpt from the Los Angeles Times article, "Gray Whales Number Rebound," from June 1, 2004, found at (free registration required) http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-whales1jun01,1,3491824.story
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