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Statement on La Jolla Seals
- "Recently, there have been questions from Surfrider members regarding past decisions of the San Diego Chapter Executive Committee to fight for the rights of seals to remain on the beach at the Children's Pool in La Jolla... Seals on the beach in La Jolla represent a unique opportunity to view elements of the natural world amidst a highly urbanized environment. Everyday throughout our coast and inland, the acts of humans displace natural populations in the name of more housing, more roads, more strip-malls, and the exercise of private property rights. The pollution that results from this same development pattern displaces beach users every time it rains. No one can credibly argue that, on balance, nature is winning in Southern California. In this one instance, nature is reclaiming habitat and thriving. The seals' use of the beach is natural, and we believe that the benefits of maintaining the status quo at the Children's pool is a better option than what the City proposes." - excerpt from the Surfrider Foundation San Diego Chapter's position on seals at Children's Pool beach in La Jolla. The San Diego Chapter web site is at http://www.surfrider.org/sandiego
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