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Administrative Erosion of Beach Access in Oahu
- "Erosion is a major problem in Hawaii, exacerbated by the building of shoreline structures and by building too close to the ocean. But there is also another kind of erosion occurring in Hawaii, which is 'administrative erosion' of the publics right to access the beach. On paper, Hawaii has good coastal access and enlightened coastal access policies. In practice, however, the shoreline certification process which is supposed to protect our public shore is instead, twice a month, turning public shore into private property, the consequences of which are evident throughout Oahu." - excerpt by Jerry Rothstein, in the 'Perspectives' section of Surfrider Foundation's 2004 State of the Beach report at the web page http://www.surfrider.org/stateofthebeach/07-ps/body.asp?sub=pa
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