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Slowing Down Beach Sand Loss in Hawaii

"When I first moved here in 1991 the State was handing out seawall permits left and right, counties were mining beach sand for golf courses, and illegal walls were rampant. We published a paper in 1996 documenting the loss of 25% of the beaches on Oahu. That hit the papers with a big bang. Slowly the awareness level has risen. Now the state DLNR has an effective moratorium on seawalls (4 yrs old), the newspapers and TV stations see beach loss as a perpetual theme that they revisit 2 or 3 times a year, and there is a state erosion committee that meets every 2 months to discuss issues. We even have a state beach fund into which fines and fees are placed to support restoration activities." - quote from Chip Fletcher, Geology Professor at the University of Hawaii, appearing in Surfrider Foundation's STATE OF THE BEACH Report web site at

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