

From Beachapedia

< Beachapedia:Factoid‎ | 2006‎ | 05

Construction Companies Are Damaging Puerto Rico's Coral Reefs with Sediment-Laden Runoff

"These companies [Swiss Chalet, Inc., Metropolitan Builders, Inc. and Levitt Homes Corporation] are hurting Puerto Ricos environment by not taking some simple, straightforward steps to control the rainwater run-off from their construction sites. The negative impacts are notable - sediment clogs rivers, shore lines and wetlands. Sediment diminishes the ability of Puerto Ricos reservoirs to function properly and impacts coral reefs. Run-off and sediment also carry with them pollutants from constructions site, such as vehicle oils or fluids. - quote from Alan J. Steinberg, EPA Regional Administrator, after EPA imposed fines on several construction companies. Excerpt from the U.S. EPA's press release.

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