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< Beachapedia:Factoid‎ | 2006‎ | 06

U.S. Military's Dumping of Chemical Weapons in the Oceans Was More Prevalent Than Previously Thought

"The U.S. Armed Forces disposed of chemical weapons in the ocean from World War I through 1970... For many years, there was little attention to weapons that had been dumped offshore prior to this prohibition. However, the U.S. Army completed a report in 2001 indicating that the past disposal of chemical weapons in the ocean had been more common and widespread geographically than previously acknowledged. The Army cataloged 74 instances of disposal through 1970, including 32 instances off U.S. shores and 42 instances off foreign shores. The disclosure of these records has renewed public concern about lingering risks from chemical weapons still in the ocean today." - excerpt from the recently released report, "U.S. Disposal of Chemical Weapons in the Ocean: Background and Issues for Congress" to the U.S. Congress from the Congressional Research Service.

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