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< Beachapedia:Factoid‎ | 2006‎ | 06

Finally, Sewage Infrastructure Improvements Coming to Puerto Rico

"The Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA) entered into an agreement to plead guilty to an indictment charging 15 felony counts of violating the federal Clean Water Act (CWA) through the illegal discharge of pollutants from nine sanitary wastewater treatment plants and five drinking water treatment plants, the Justice Department and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today [6/22/06]. Under the plea agreement, PRASA will pay a criminal fine of $9 million -- the largest fine ever paid by a utility for violating the CWA... In the civil settlement, PRASA will spend an estimated $1.7 billion implementing capital improvement projects (CIPs) and other remedial measures at all of its 61 wastewater treatment plants and related collection systems over the next 15 years." - excerpt from the EPA's press release.

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