

From Beachapedia

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Factoids for the month of January, 2007

Factoid/2007/01/03Hopefully Some Protection Soon for the Imperiled Atlantic White Marlin
Factoid/2007/01/04Too Easy to Build Ugly Seawalls in Florida
Factoid/2007/01/05Farm Animal Manure Is a Big Water Quality Issue
Factoid/2007/01/08Surfboarding in an Aircraft Carrier
Factoid/2007/01/09Fish Have As Good a Nose As Anybody
Factoid/2007/01/10More Than 3 Beach Trips Annually On Average For Every American
Factoid/2007/01/112006 the Warmest Year on Record for the USA
Factoid/2007/01/12Increasing Eutrophication Is Impacting Coastal Water Quality on East Coast
Factoid/2007/01/16Coastal Environment Getting Worse in China
Factoid/2007/01/17Estrogen Hormones in Waters Downstream from Treatment Plants
Factoid/2007/01/18The Ocean as a Huge Periodic Table
Factoid/2007/01/19Out of Control Off-Road Vehicles at Cape Hatteras National Seashore
Factoid/2007/01/22Standing Up Against Costly Beach Fill
Factoid/2007/01/23Florida Government Mistakenly Tries to Legislate Away Hurricane Risk
Factoid/2007/01/24Navy: It's Either Us (Navy Sailors) or Them (Marine Mammals)
Factoid/2007/01/25Tsunami's Speed
Factoid/2007/01/26The Dreaded 301(h) Waiver to the Clean Water Act
Factoid/2007/01/29UN Report: We're Locked in to 1,000 Years of Sea Level Rise
Factoid/2007/01/30U.S. Government Gets a 'C-" on Ocean Policy Report Card for 2006
Factoid/2007/01/31'Hepatitis A' in Coastal Waters After Rains in Imperial Beach, CA