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A Beach Manifesto

We want to provide a vision of how things could be, of how things would be if Surfrider Foundation's guiding principles were adopted by all levels of government.
  • Beach access would be free and uninterrupted.
  • You could surf or swim after it rains without the fear of getting sick.
  • Sand would flow freely to form surf breaks and beaches, and not be captured by dams, blocked by groins, or walled up behind seawalls and riprap.
  • There would be no net loss of surfing areas.
  • Advances in technology would be used to make information readily available to the public, government officials, and scientists alike.
  • Beach access sites would be inventoried, surf zone water quality monitored, and beach erosion measured.

- excerpt from Surfrider Foundation's State of the Beach 2006 Beach Manifesto web section.

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