From Beachapedia
< Beachapedia:Factoid | 2010 | 03
City of Dana Point Wants to Reduce Public Access at Strands Beach
- [California Coastal] "Commission staff believes the exercise of nuisance abatement at this juncture is a misuse of the nuisance abatement power, a breach of the trust that the State placed with the City, and will lead to unacceptable impacts on public coastal access. Coastal act Section 30210 requires maximum access to be provided consistent with public safety needs and the need to protect public rights, rights of private property owners and natural resource areas from overuse. We believe through the coastal development permit process, hours of use may legally be established for these accessways consistent with the Coastal Act. Therefore we, again, urge the City Council to deny the urgency ordinance as an improper means to achieve the Citys goals." - excerpt from a letter to the Dana Point City Council from Sherilyn Sarab, California Coastal Commission's Deputy Director for the South Coast Area Office (Orange County).
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