From Beachapedia
< Beachapedia:Factoid | 2010 | 12
Off Road Vehicles on the Beach Are Hazardous, Even Deadly, to Both Wildlife and People
- The [Cape Hatteras National Seashore] park service's preferred plan in today's statement allows ORV [off road vehicle] use on the majority of the seashore. Twenty-eight of the seashore's 67 miles are set aside as year-round ORV routes, with only 26 miles designated as year-round vehicle-free areas for pedestrians, families, and wildlife. The remaining 13 miles of seashore are seasonally open to ORVs. The plan also proposes new parking facilities, ORV ramps, and water shuttles to increase visitor access. ...The [park service's] preferred alternative announced yesterday falls short of the U.S. Department of Interior's own scientists' recommendations regarding the measures needed to protect wildlife within the national park. - excerpt from the Defenders of Wildlife web page. Read more.
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