

From Beachapedia

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Factoids for the month of September, 2013

Factoid/2013/09/03There is Concern About Weakened Coastal Protection in North Carolina
Factoid/2013/09/04Plastic Debris Kills and Injures a Wide Range of Marine Life
Factoid/2013/09/05The Ocean Nourishes Our Mind as Well as Our Body
Factoid/2013/09/06The Ocean Has an Irresistible Appeal
Factoid/2013/09/09The Ocean is Part of Us
Factoid/2013/09/10The U.S. Government is Investing in Wave and Tidal Energy
Factoid/2013/09/11Natural Beach Systems Provide the Best Defense
Factoid/2013/09/12The Largest Volcano on Earth is One You May Not Know
Factoid/2013/09/13Sea Turtles are Increasingly Ingesting Plastic Debris
Factoid/2013/09/16Managed Retreat is Happening in New York
Factoid/2013/09/17Surfing is For All Ages
Factoid/2013/09/18Wetland Becomes Golf Course Becomes Wetland
Factoid/2013/09/19It's Best for Ecosystem Health to Leave Kelp on the Beach
Factoid/2013/09/20Sea Lions Like to Surf Too!
Factoid/2013/09/23This is National Estuaries Week
Factoid/2013/09/24Coral Reefs Provide Ecosystem Services Worth Billions
Factoid/2013/09/25Incompatible Beach Fill Sand Can Harm Beach Ecology
Factoid/2013/09/26Denying Sea Level Rise Won't Stop It From Happening
Factoid/2013/09/27Removing Sand Dunes is Foolish
Factoid/2013/09/30Louisiana's CWPPRA Program Has Helped Restore the Coast