

From Beachapedia

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Factoids for the month of July, 2014

Factoid/2014/07/01Ocean Acidification is Proceeding Faster Than Any Time in the Last 50 Million Years
Factoid/2014/07/02Wave Energy Testing is Moving Forward in Oregon
Factoid/2014/07/03We Can't Account for Most of the Plastic in the Ocean
Factoid/2014/07/04Balloons Blow
Factoid/2014/07/07It's Illegal to Ban Plastic Bags in Florida
Factoid/2014/07/08The 1969 Santa Barbara Oil Spill Led to Important Environmental Legislation
Factoid/2014/07/09Sea Level Rise Has Caused Kiribati to Buy Land Elsewhere
Factoid/2014/07/10Some Residents of Palm Beach, Australia Actually Own the Beach
Factoid/2014/07/11Ocean Acidification May Dissolve Coral Reefs
Factoid/2014/07/14Marine Spatial Planning is Needed to Protect Our Coastal Waters
Factoid/2014/07/15The Surfer Stereotype is Way Off
Factoid/2014/07/16The 'Horse Latitudes' are Subtropical Regions Known for Calm Winds and Little Precipitation
Factoid/2014/07/17Green Infrastructure Provides Many Benefits
Factoid/2014/07/18Millions of Anchovies Were Recently Spotted Near La Jolla
Factoid/2014/07/21You Can Find Out What's Across the Ocean From Your Beach
Factoid/2014/07/22You Can Help Save the Ocean
Factoid/2014/07/23Whales are Part of a Healthy Ocean Ecosystem
Factoid/2014/07/24Australia is Planning to Dredge Near the Great Barrier Reef to Expand Coal Exports
Factoid/2014/07/25Beach Fill Never Ends
Factoid/2014/07/28California Has an Official State Marine Reptile
Factoid/2014/07/29Changing Your Landscaping Can Pay (and Reduce Runoff)
Factoid/2014/07/30Victoria, B.C. Dumps 34 Million Gallons per Day of Untreated Sewage Into the Ocean
Factoid/2014/07/31A Key Fisheries Law is Under Attack