From Beachapedia
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Revetments and Seawalls Mean Less Beach and Less Beach Access
- "Speaking against the project were Michael Bottini, chairman of the Eastern Long Island chapter of the Surfrider Foundation; Jay Levine, a member of that organization; Thomas B. Muse, a neighbor and Surfrider member; Robert DeLuca, president of Group for the East End; Jeremy Samuelson, director of Concerned Citizens of Montauk, and Carl Irace, an attorney for C.C.O.M. Before the meeting, the board had received letters of opposition from Dr. Stephen P. Leatherman, an environmental consultant known as “Dr. Beach,” and M. Pamela Otis, director of environmental management for the New York State Office of Parks, which oversees Shadmoor State Park." - excerpt from article in The East Hampton Star.
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