From Beachapedia
< Beachapedia:Factoid | 2014 | 09
Some Members of Congress Don't Understand How Science Works
- "Representative Stockman (R-TX) questioned why sea level would rise with melting ice, because “if your ice cube melts in your glass, it doesn’t overflow”. Representative Rohrabacher (R-CA) pestered Administration officials about the direct impact of rising CO2 on human health, disregarding their responses that it wasn't the direct effect on human health but the indirect effect of increased heat waves and air pollution. And most concerning, when asked by OSTP Director John Holdren to focus on the scientific literature rather than public comments, Representative Bucshon (R-IN) said “of all the climatologists whose career depend upon the climate changing to keep themselves publishing articles. I could read that, but I don’t believe it"." - excerpt from article in Ocean News Weekly.
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