

From Beachapedia

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Factoids for the month of October, 2014

Factoid/2014/10/01Coastal Managers Are Facing Difficult Decisions
Factoid/2014/10/02What's for Dinner? - It May Be Jellyballs
Factoid/2014/10/03The World’s Largest Marine Reserve Has Been Created in the Pacific Ocean
Factoid/2014/10/06We Keep Bulding on the Coast
Factoid/2014/10/07A Recent Court Decision Has Weakened Texas' Open Beaches Act
Factoid/2014/10/08Swimming the Seven Seas Was an Eye-Opener
Factoid/2014/10/09Surfers Have A Unique Role to Play in Protecting the Ocean
Factoid/2014/10/10Development on Barrier Islands Creates Problems
Factoid/2014/10/13Preserving Open Land Protects Our Coasts
Factoid/2014/10/14Private For-Profit Use of Our Beaches is Increasing
Factoid/2014/10/15Sand Mining is Destroying Beaches Around the World
Factoid/2014/10/16Disappearing Beaches are Forcing Tough Decisions
Factoid/2014/10/17Satellite Radar is Allowing Detailed Mapping of the Sea Floor
Factoid/2014/10/20Plastic Trash is a Big Problem in the Maldives
Factoid/2014/10/21The Ocean is the Source
Factoid/2014/10/22Surfing Can Be Frustrating or Exhilarating
Factoid/2014/10/23Coastal Cities Should be Acting to Address Sea Level Rise
Factoid/2014/10/24There's a Lot of Sea Life in a Drop of Ocean Water
Factoid/2014/10/27No Reefs = No Waves
Factoid/2014/10/28Global Ocean Temperatures Set Another Record in September
Factoid/2014/10/29Many Dams are Starving the Coast
Factoid/2014/10/30Ships Lose Thousands of Containers at Sea Each Year
Factoid/2014/10/31Ghost Nets are Scary