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< Beachapedia:Factoid‎ | 2018‎ | 01

Study Shows Historical Cliff Erosion Rates are not Good Indicators of Future Erosion

"...the historical cliff erosion rate does not always provide a good prediction of future rates. 'The results show that if a cliff experienced a large of amount of erosion during one time period, it was followed by a time period with very little erosion, and the cliff could be relatively stabilized for a time,' explains Young. 'It will mobilize again, but we don't know when and more research is needed to better understand the time cycles involved.' Young also found that cliffs with high erosion rates in recent times were often preceded by time periods with very little erosion. These are key findings, because models predicting future cliff retreat are often based on projecting the historical rates." - Excerpt from Science Daily. Access the complete study here.

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