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< Beachapedia:Factoid‎ | 2018‎ | 04

Potential for Oil Eating Bacteria to Help with Spills

"From pipelines to tankers, oil spills and their impact on the environment are a source of concern. These disasters occur on a regular basis, leading to messy decontamination challenges that require massive investments of time and resources. But however widespread and serious the damage may be, the solution could be microscopic—Alcanivorax borkumensis—a bacterium that feeds on hydrocarbons. Professor Satinder Kaur Brar and her team at INRS have conducted laboratory tests that show the effectiveness of enzymes produced by the bacterium in degrading petroleum products in soil and water. Their results offer hope for a simple, effective, and eco-friendly method of decontaminating water and soil at oil sites." - Excerpt from L'Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS). To note, these bacteria will not benefit wildlife already impacted - meaning no spill is better than a treated spill.

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