

From Beachapedia

< Beachapedia:Factoid‎ | 2018‎ | 05

Preventing the Spread of Invasive Species in Great Lakes - Know Your Bait

"NOAA scientist Carol Stepien will present research results at a public forum [tomorrow] in Toledo, Ohio, on how local bait shops, anglers and the public can prevent invasive fish from accidentally being released into the Great Lakes. These non-native species can potentially decimate valuable native fish species such as trout, walleye and yellow perch. 'We found that bait shops sometimes accidentally sell non-native species mixed in with other bait,' Stepien said. This bait is then often discarded by anglers who may not understand its potential effects on the lakes, she said." - Excerpt from NOAA. Learn more about the public forum and recommended techniques here.

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