From Beachapedia
< Beachapedia:Factoid | 2019 | 11
As whale habitat and patterns shift with climate change, so to will conservation areas
- "Some 'canaries' are 50 feet long, weigh 70 tons, and are nowhere near a coal mine. But the highly endangered North Atlantic right whale is sending the same kind of message about disruptive change in the environment by rapidly altering its use of important habitat areas off the New England coast... 'There are seasonal conservation measures that kick in based on our historical understanding of where and when right whales are most often congregating, including Massachusetts Bay,' Rice explains. 'But the old patterns have changed and whales are showing up in areas where there are no protections in place to reduce the likelihood of ship strikes or fishing gear entanglements.'" - Excerpt from The Cornell Lab of Ornothology
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