From Beachapedia
< Beachapedia:Factoid | 2020 | 07
The Southern Hemisphere Atmosphere is Providing Key Data for Cloud Modeling
- "A new study uses satellite data over the Southern Hemisphere to understand global cloud composition during the industrial revolution. This research tackles one of the largest uncertainties in today’s climate models — the long-term effect of tiny atmospheric particles on climate change. ... There has been extremely limited understanding of how aerosol concentration has changed between early-industrial times and the present day. This lack of information restricts the ability of climate models to accurately estimate the long-term effects of aerosols on global temperatures – and how much of an effect they could have in the future. Now, an international study led by the Universities of Leeds and Washington has recognised that remote, pristine parts of the Southern Hemisphere provide a window into what the early-industrial atmosphere looked like." - Excerpt from University of Leeds
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