

From Beachapedia

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Factoids for the month of May, 2005

Factoid/2005/05/02Annual California Mussel Quarantine, May 1 to October 31
Factoid/2005/05/03Middle of Long Island Sound Proposed as LNG Terminal Site
Factoid/2005/05/04The Mighty Tuna
Factoid/2005/05/05Too Much Secondary Treated Sewage Dumped Too Close to Shore in California
Factoid/2005/05/06UN Considering Longline Fishing Moratorium in the Pacific Ocean
Factoid/2005/05/09Wonderful Hawaii
Factoid/2005/05/10There Is No Effective Mitigation for Highway Building in San Onofre State Beach
Factoid/2005/05/11Scientists Find Marine Organism That Uses Cadmium
Factoid/2005/05/12Delaware's Surf Spots
Factoid/2005/05/16Louisiana's Coast Is Retreating Inland Fast
Factoid/2005/05/17Why Louisiana's Coast Is Retreating Inland Fast
Factoid/2005/05/18Watershed Restoration Can Be Effective Even in High Density Urban Areas
Factoid/2005/05/19Huge Sewage Infrastructure Investment Needs
Factoid/2005/05/20America's Rivers Now Getting More Polluted after Decades of Improvement
Factoid/2005/05/23Massive Amounts of DDT and PCBs Still Plague Coastal Waters off the Palos Verdes Peninsula in Califoria
Factoid/2005/05/24Some of the Many Symptoms Associated with Swimming in Polluted Ocean Water
Factoid/2005/05/25EPA Retreats on Sewage Blending and Dumping Proposal
Factoid/2005/05/26Big Population Decline for the Red Knot Shore Bird
Factoid/2005/05/27Almost 4 Beach Trips Annually on Average for Every American
Factoid/2005/05/31After 22 Years, Finally Beach Access