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< Beachapedia:Factoid‎ | 2006‎ | 06

Keeping Pharmaceuticals Out of Wastewater and Away from Coastal Waters

"In the past, the public was advised to flush unwanted medicines down the toilet as a poison prevention measure. Recent studies indicate that the pharmaceuticals found in wastewater may have an adverse effect on the environment. Sewage treatment facilities are not designed to remove or destroy the chemicals found in pharmaceuticals, which consequently end up in surface water. There are several options available to dispose of unwanted medicines. A highly recommended alternative is to take unwanted over-the-counter and prescription medications to a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center or event. Another option is to put the crushed remains in a sturdy and securely sealed container and place in a trashcan, out of the reach of children and pets." - excerpt from the "No Drugs Down the Drain" campaign email sent 6/8/06 from the Orange County (CA) Sanitation District.

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