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< Beachapedia:Factoid‎ | 2002‎ | 04

Powerboats Killing Even More FL Manatees

"Defenders of Wildlife asked a federal judge this week to force [Interior] Secretary Norton to comply with a court-approved agreement establishing 16 new safe havens for Florida manatees. Norton has been flouting the agreement. Instead, speeding to the aid of boat manufacturers, marinas and pleasure boaters, she's trying to weaken protections for the imperiled sea cows. She ignored the objections of a supervisor in one of her own agencies when she decided to allow boat manufacturers to test watercraft at high speeds inside existing manatee sanctuaries. Last year alone, 81 manatees died in collisions with boats, and powerboats killed 18 more just this past January -- a record for a single month." (Excerpt from Defenders of Wildlife newsletter, DENlines, 4/17/2002)

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