

From Beachapedia

< Beachapedia:Factoid‎ | 2005‎ | 01

Blending Sewage and Then Discharging It Into Waterways

"To make matters worse, the EPA has recently proposed to allow the "blending" of minimally treated sewage with secondarily treated effluent during rains. In effect this policy would allow the discharge of nearly raw sewage so long as it is sufficiently diluted. Analyses of pathogen data from blended sewage discharges gathered by the Milwaukee Public Health Department conclude that people swimming at the sewage discharge point in Lake Michigan would have had a 50 percent chance of contracting giardiasis after this blended sewage had been released, representing a thousandfold increase in the risk of getting sick as a result of exposure to pathogens while swimming." - excerpt from Chapter 1 of the Natural Resource Defense Council's Testing the Waters 2004 at

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