

From Beachapedia

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Factoids for the month of January, 2005

Factoid/2005/01/03Seabirds Eating Balloons
Factoid/2005/01/04Way Too Many Sewage Overflows in the USA
Factoid/2005/01/05Coral Reef 250 Feet Deep Found Off Florida Coast
Factoid/2005/01/06Jack London's Advice on the Royal Sport of Surf-Riding
Factoid/2005/01/07Recent, Heavy, West Coast Rains Not from the El Nino
Factoid/2005/01/10Coastal Mangrove Forests and Coral Reefs Help Reduce Tsunami Damage
Factoid/2005/01/11Blending Sewage and Then Discharging It Into Waterways
Factoid/2005/01/13Surfers Make the Best Lifeguards in Hawaii?
Factoid/2005/01/17The Water Skee
Factoid/2005/01/18The Jet Ski, Spewing Nauseating Fumes Since 1970
Factoid/2005/01/19Two Year Plan to Upgrade the U.S. Tsunami Detection System
Factoid/2005/01/21False Sense of Security in Florida
Factoid/2005/01/24Spitzer Helping Defend Clean Water Act from Army Corps of Engineers
Factoid/2005/01/25Surfrider Foundation Chapters Getting It Done
Factoid/2005/01/26Hawaii's Seasons
Factoid/2005/01/28Erroneously Referred to as Tidal Waves
Factoid/2005/01/31Davidson Seamount Off the Big Sur Coast