From Beachapedia
< Beachapedia:Factoid | 2005 | 06
Big Problems with Army Corps' Beach Fill Plan for Long Beach, NY
- "What does this plan consist of? The plan proposed by the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) includes the construction of a 110 foot wide berm, at an elevation of 10ft. above sea level, and a 25ft. wide dune dune at an elevation of 15ft. above sea level. The plan also includes the rehabilitation of the existing 16 groins and the construction of and additional 4. What will the effects of the ACOE's plan be? This plan will change the face of Long Beach. Instead of walking down the stairs from the boardwalk and immediately onto the beach, there will be "fingers" constructed to take you over the massive dune that has been proposed. The legendary sand that Long Beach is known for will be covered with dredged up ocean silt , and the sharp drop-off of the shore into the ocean will lead to increased danger for swimmers, surfers, and body boarders. The "rehabilitation" of the jetties will endanger the existing ecosystems that have sprung up over the years, which will also have a detrimental effect on sport fishing and clamming." - excerpt from the Surfrider Foundation New York City Chapter web page at http://www.surfrider.org/NYC/programs_beachscape_lb.html
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