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< Beachapedia:Factoid | 2005 | 07
Proposed US-Mexico Gargantuan, Coastal Border Barrier Is Overkill and Harmful to Local Coastal Environment
- "You cannot build that thing [proposed 90 feet wide huge border barrier at the US-Mexico border at the coast] in that way and be consistent with California's coastal protection law," said Peter Douglas, the executive director of the California Coastal Commission, one of the most outspoken opponents of the border fence. "The exemption based on the so-called terrorist threat is a backdoor way of achieving what they couldn't do legally. Now I guess in the name of security from terrorism, you can do anything you want. It is a monument to the politics of fear." - excerpt concerns the proposal for a gargantuan, double border "fence" at the coast at the border of Mexico -- the border fence would be 90 feet wide and would require cutting off the tops of 2 mesas and filling in 2 large gullies with 2.2 million cubic yards of dirt; the border fence would greatly impact the adjacent Tijuana River Estuary, a federally protected wetland and wildlife refuge and home to the big wave (and oft polluted) surf spot, the Tijuana Sloughs. Other, less extreme border fence constructions are not being properly considered. Excerpt from the New York Times article, free registration required, at http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/04/national/04fence.html?8hpib
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