From Beachapedia
< Beachapedia:Factoid | 2005 | 07
Excerpt from Surfrider Foundation's Upcoming State of the Beach 2005 Report
- "This [State of the Beach 2005 ] report documents the conditions of our nation's beaches and what can be done to make them better. Explore the state reports, the "Bad and the Rad" and the "Perspectives" sections to learn about what we know and what we should be doing to improve beach health. But we want to do more than that. We want to provide a vision of how things could be, of how things would be if Surfrider Foundation's guiding principles were adopted by all levels of government." - excerpt from the "Beach Manifesto" section of the upcoming Surfrider Foundation State of the Beach 2005 report, due to be launched on July 28th.
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