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Surfrider Foundation Beach Access Goals

Beach Access Goals: 1) Free and uninterrupted access along the beach (at a minimum to the mean high water line, and ideally inland to the line of established upland vegetation). 2) An access to the beach at least every half-mile in high population areas. 3) A diverse range of access types (pedestrian, vehicular, view) with a range of amenities to meet user needs (parks, walkways/boardwalks, street ends) and minimize adverse environmental impacts. 4) An accurate and up to date inventory of access sites. 5) Dedicated funds for land acquisition. 6) 'No net loss' of beach access. 7) Regular collection of beach attendance records and analysis of supply and demand, including an economic evaluation of beaches. 8) Public education about beach access, including customary or prescriptive right to beach access. - the above Beach Access Goals appear in Surfrider Foundation's STATE OF THE BEACH Report at

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