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Factoids for the month of February, 2008

Factoid/2008/02/04Scientists Expect a Big Sea Level Rise During This Century
Factoid/2008/02/05Washed Off Sunscreen Killing Coral?
Factoid/2008/02/06Win, Lose, Or Draw, We Made History with Big Turnout at CA Coastal Commission Meeting
Factoid/2008/02/07San Onofre State Beach Saved... for Now
Factoid/2008/02/08Inspiring Others for Ocean Conservation
Factoid/2008/02/11Bush's Proposed 2009 Budget Full of Decreased Funding for Clean Water Programs
Factoid/2008/02/12Best Surf Travel in the World Could Be to Your Local Beach
Factoid/2008/02/13Only One Human Fatality from Shark Attacks in 2007
Factoid/2008/02/14Kiribati Creates World's Largest Marine Protected Area
Factoid/2008/02/18What Is Surfrider Foundation Doing with Your Donated Dollars?
Factoid/2008/02/19Low Oxygen Dead Zones Are the New 'Normal' Off Northwest Pacific Coast
Factoid/2008/02/20EPA's Best Management Practices for Reducing Polluted Urban Runoff
Factoid/2008/02/21Southeast Florida Pumps Massive Amounts of Insufficiently Treated Sewage into Local Coastal Waters
Factoid/2008/02/25Best Way to Save the Montauk Lighthouse Is to Move It Inland
Factoid/2008/02/26For Preserving Our Oceans' Health, Time Is of the Essence
Factoid/2008/02/27Polluting Pays When Fine Is Less Than Cost of Compliance
Factoid/2008/02/28For 25 Coastal States/Territories, Surfrider's STATE OF THE BEACH Publication Reports on 8 Beach Health Indicators