From Beachapedia
< Beachapedia:Factoid | 2008 | 02
What Is Surfrider Foundation Doing with Your Donated Dollars?
- "You may have noticed the numbered crest on the front of Making Waves [and on Surfrider Foundation's web site home page. If you're really aware of Surfrider Foundation's initiatives you may also know that this is tied to our vision statement "150 coastal victories by 2010." This is very intentional, very public and very calculated... The victory number is an indicator of what Surfrider Foundation has accomplished, it is an ROI (return on investment)." - excerpt from Surfrider Foundation's [http://www.surfrider.org/makingwaves_0108.asp January 2008 issue of Making Waves; the excerpt appeared in the article, "Understanding Victories at a Glance," by Jim Moriarty.]]
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