From Beachapedia
< Beachapedia:Factoid | 2019 | 06
How fighting plastic pollution protects biodiversity and helps fight climate change
- "Strategies to address plastic pollution can help to fight climate change and biodiversity loss, indirectly. Stemming the flow of plastics into the environment will reduce biodiversity loss of the more than 2,000 species that have ingested plastic, become entangled in it or had their habitats smothered by it. Plastic is derived from petroleum, and its incineration contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions from plastics could reach 15 per cent of the global carbon budget by 2050 if current plastic production trends continue. In Europe, plastic production and the incineration of plastic waste emits an estimated 400 million tonnes of CO2 per year." - Excerpt from The Conversation
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