From Beachapedia
< Beachapedia:Factoid | 2019 | 12
Southern sea otter populations could triple
- "a new study released today concludes that California could more than triple its population of southern sea otters, from an estimated 3,000 to nearly 10,000, by repopulating the largest estuary on the coast—the San Francisco Bay... one of the reasons otter habitat has remained fragmented and why sea otters have not been able to migrate north and reestablish residency in San Francisco Bay is the presence of great white sharks near the Golden Gate. 'We call it ‘the gauntlet,’' said Hughes. 'Otters really can’t get past the gauntlet.' But if otter populations were established inside San Francisco Bay and out of the range of great whites, they would become the top predator and would likely thrive." - Excerpt from UC Santa Cruz
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