State of the Beach/State Reports/HI

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Beach access in Hawaii and information regarding access are generally good, although some landowners are attempting to restrict access by creatively defining their shoreward property line and some designated beach access paths are fenced off by adjacent property owners. There is plentiful information on surfing areas, which the state recognizes as valuable recreational, economic, and cultural resources. On the other hand, erosion is a serious problem, and shoreline armoring is proliferating in response. An inventory of these sites is needed, along with a program to limit their construction and monitor the effects of structures already built. Beaches should be posted with health advisories when testing indicates that EPA's BEACH Act standards are exceeded.


(+) The Hawaii Department of Health launched a new website providing detailed information on water quality issues. This new tool was a product of collaboration between local Surfrider chapters and partner organizations working with HDOH to create better public notifications.

(+) The Climate Change Adaptation Priority Guidelines under Act 286 was passed by the legislature and signed into law as HRS § 226-109 in 2012. These enforceable guidelines include funding continual monitoring and research efforts of the impacts of climate change, encouraging participation of local stakeholders in implementation of climate change policies, fostering cross-jurisdictional collaboration between agencies and entities, incorporating climate change policy into planning and management, and raising public awareness of the impacts of climate change.

(+) The Hawai'i Ocean Resources Management Plan (2013) is the guiding document for the state's coastal management. It sets forth the management priorities and specific goals for each of the priorities with measurable metrics to reach the goals. The document also describes its current condition in relation to each priority, which allows the state to recognize where it is now and how far it is from the goal.

(+) The state developed an informational website Hawaii Climate Change Adaptation Portal with detailed maps and vulnerability analysis for sea level rise in Hawaii.

(+) In 2014, the Hawaiʻi State Legislature declared, through the passage of the Hawaiʻi Climate Adaptation Initiative Act (Act 83, Session Laws of Hawaiʻi) that climate change is the paramount challenge of this century, posing both an urgent and long-term threat to the State’s economy, sustainability, security, and way of life. The purpose of the Hawaiʻi Climate Adaptation Initiative Act is to address the effects of climate change in order to protect the State’s economy, health, environment, and way of life. Act 83 calls for the establishment of an Interagency Climate Adaptation Committee (ICAC), attached administratively to the Hawaiʻi Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) and co-chaired by the Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) and the director of the Hawaiʻi Office of Planning (OP). The first task of the ICAC is to develop a statewide Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Report (SLR Report) by December 31, 2017. The Hawaiʻi Climate Adaptation Portal will track the development and progress of the committee’s work.

(+) Navigating Change - Hawai‘i’s Approach to Adaptation, Report for the First Meeting of State, Local and Tribal Leaders, Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience was released on December 10, 2013. Following this, University of Hawai‘i at Mänoa Sea Grant College Program published Climate Change Impacts in Hawai‘i - A summary of climate change and its impacts to Hawai‘i’s ecosystems and communities in June 2014.

(+) In a decision that strongly reaffirms beaches as a public trust resource, the Hawaii Supreme Court ruled in January 2014 that the state must consider historical evidence when determining the shoreline. The opinion also reiterates the high court's 2006 ruling that vegetation may not be planted to manipulate the shoreline, which becomes the starting line for a building setback. More on this.

(+) Hawaii protects 22.94% of its state marine waters as no-take reserves. SeaStates 2013 report.

(+) On July 9th, 2012, Hawai’i Governor Neil Abercrombie signed Senate Bill 2745 into law, making Hawai’i one of few states in the nation to adopt a statewide climate adaptation policy for dealing with the impacts of climate change. The bill integrates climate change adaptation priority guidelines into the current statewide planning system. Hawaii Office of Planning has created a nice Adapting to Climate Change Web page that summarizes the latest state developments in climate change adaptation.

(+) A great new resource is a Coastal Access in Hawai'i website created by University of Hawai'i Sea Grant that attempts to address the longstanding need to provide accurate information on coastal access laws and policies in Hawai'i. UH Sea Grant is working on populating this website with maps that show the actual access points.

(+) In June 2010 Governor Lingle signed into law House Bill 1808, a bill that prevents private property owners from blocking shoreline access by planting or cultivating vegetation. The new law requires the Department of Land and Natural Resources to maintain beach transit corridors by prohibiting land owners from planting vegetation that interferes with the corridors. It also establishes access to the corridors as a policy within the Coastal Zone Management Program. Notice will be given to property owners adjacent to the corridors if vegetation from their property blocks access to the shoreline.

(+) A Framework for Climate Change Adaptation in Hawaii was released in November 2009. A companion piece is the 2010 video by HCMP Adapting to Climate Change in Hawaii. The video references and ties directly to the Ocean Resources Management Plan (ORMP).

(+) In December 2007, Kaua‘i County Council passed a science-based shoreline setback ordinance that mandates a 40-foot minimum setback plus 70 times the annual coastal erosion rate as recommended in the Hawai‘i Coastal Hazard Mitigation Guidebook. Previously, the county required a 40-foot setback with an option for land owners to appeal up to 20 feet.

(+) As an alternative to hardened structures for erosion protection, the State DLNR is working on guidelines for truly temporary biodegradable erosion control sandbags. These bags and blankets are intended to serve as temporary emergency erosion control and are composed of 100% coconut fiber (Coir). Initial trials have been promising.

(+) Hawaii Sea Grant prepared Natural Hazard Considerations for Purchasing Coastal Real Estate in Hawai'i (May 2006).

(+) Hawaii’s coastal managers consider sand bag revetments to be “hard” structures, meaning they are not permitted as much as they have been in the past.

(+) All beaches in Hawaii are publicly owned and/or controlled.

(+) Hawaii recognizes waves as a valuable recreational, economic, and cultural resource.

(+) The University of Hawaii monitors over 80 beaches around the state to better understand the process of seasonal profile adjustment.

(+) In May 2005, Hawaii's Board of Land and Natural Resources proposed administrative rules that prohibit all extractive uses in the state-regulated waters around the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI). Following this, former Rep. Ed Case introduced a bill that would establish a protective refuge for the federal waters surrounding the NWHI. The NWHI are now a national marine sanctuary, the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument.

(0) On Maui, 62% of the sandy shoreline is eroding at an average rate greater than one foot per year. As much as 30% of the sandy shoreline has either significantly narrowed or been lost since the 1940s. Nearly 8 miles of beach have been lost due to shoreline armoring.

(0) As reported in an article in the Huffington Post in March 2015, scientists at the University of Hawaii’s School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology (SOEST) studied data from 10 retreating beaches on Oahu, Maui and Kauai islands and found that beaches will erode as much as 20 feet by 2050 and 40 feet by 2100.

(-) Not many of the goals and recommendations from management plans have been implemented or codified in state and county regulations.

(-) The Coastal Erosion Management Plan (COEMAP) is nearly 20 years old and has not been updated since its establishment.

(-) On Oahu, a wealthy South Korean businessman who bought two Kahala beachfront properties was required to tear out an illegal seawall that was encroaching on the public beach. But the city of Honolulu then gave Lee Kun-hee, the billionaire chairman of South Korea’s Samsung Group, permission to erect a new wall just mauka of the state’s certified shoreline, which scientists say will exacerbate beach erosion. More on this.

(-) There are approximately 90,000 cesspools in the State, with nearly 50,000 located on the Big Island, almost 14,000 on Kauai, over 12,000 on Maui, over 11,000 on Oahu and over 1,400 on Molokai. Hawai`i is the only state in the US that still allows construction of new cesspools. Approximately 800 new cesspools are approved for construction in Hawai`i each year. To begin to address the cesspool problem, the Department of Health (DOH) has initiated the process to accept written comments and hold a public hearing on proposed changes to Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), Chapter 11-62, Wastewater Systems. Proposed changes include prohibiting the installation of new cesspools and requiring connections or upgrades of existing cesspools to septic systems within 180 days after sale of property. A list of all proposed changes may be found in DOH's Rationale document. Learn more.

(-) Every year, the City and County of Honolulu passes on an opportunity to get more than a quarter of a million dollars in federal funding to promote sustainable coastal development. The funds, which the other three counties in Hawaii receive, is mostly used to hire staff to implement the Coastal Zone Management Act. Honolulu county was receiving about $280,000 a year from the program until 2007, when Honolulu’s Department of Planning and Permitting concluded that increased federal oversight and stricter reporting requirements were too onerous.

(-) Due to lack of funding and staff reductions, Hawaii only tested 25 percent of its 460 beaches in 2011. By comparison, Massachusetts tested 94 percent of its 630 beaches, California tested about 70 percent of its 700 beaches and Florida tested about half of its 630 beaches.

(-) In early January 2011, following an extended period of heavy rain, waters accumulating at a reservoir above Oahu's only municipal landfill poured into a "cell" of waste, causing it to overflow and send a torrent of debris-laden storm water down a concrete spillway and into waters just off the Ko Olina Resort. Medical waste, including syringes and vials that appeared to contain blood, were among the debris that washed ashore along beaches at Ko Olina's four lagoons and other western shores, including the area around Kalaeloa Harbor.

(-) In 2010 the Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting approved a request by Kyo-Ya Hotels to build a 26-story hotel/condo tower on Waikiki Beach. The proposed structure would have violated existing zoning laws, tripled the height of the Moana’s current Diamond Head Tower and encroached onto the public beach. In January 2011 a coalition of environmental groups, including Surfrider Foundation, appealed the decision to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Although this appeal was denied, the environmental groups received a big win from the Hawaii Supreme Court on Sept. 23, 2015 when it struck down the zoning variance that would have violated the existing zoning and setback laws. The Supreme Court upheld the coastal preservation arguments of the environmental groups against the coastal setback variance requested by Kyo-Ya in 2010. More on this.

(-) In late 2009, due to state budget cuts the Department of Health’s Clean Water Branch lost 4 of its 5 water quality monitoring staff on Oahu. This is a big liability for Hawaii because they are so dependent on tourism, and need to make sure the waters are monitored and protected from waterborne diseases.

(-) Hawai'i is one of the only coastal states without a centralized science office to deal with such issues as coastal erosion.

(-) On Oahu there are only 86 public rights of way for over a hundred miles of coastline. Many shoreline paths were created with the intent to provide beach access and are tax assessed at only $100 -- yet they remain closed to the public.

(-) Major sewer spills occurred on Oahu in early 2006. A sewer spill in Honolulu due to a line break released an estimated 48 million gallons of raw sewage into the Ala Wai Canal and closed beaches in Waikiki. Additional sewer spills occurred during a period of heavy rain in November 2007.

(-) On Oahu, the Honouliuli sewage treatment plant in Ewa and the Sand Island plant operate under section 301(h) waivers from the requirements of the federal Clean Water Act. These two plants and one in San Diego, California are the only major sewage treatment facilities in EPA's Region 9 that still have these waivers. UPDATE: In January 2009 the EPA issued a decision to not renew the waivers for the two sewage treatment plants.

(-) Nearly 25% (17 miles) of Oahu’s beaches have been lost or significantly narrowed over the last century as a result of coastal armoring along the coastline. Beaches in front of seawalls are 50-70% narrower than non-armored beaches.

(-) Past practices of locating shorelines for certification too far makai has tended to reduce beach access, lead to inappropriate shoreline construction setbacks and in some cases lead to shoreline armoring.

(-) Current water quality information only became available on the HDOH website in 2006 and beach health advisory posting procedures are confusing.


  • Dept. of Health Improves Public Notification of Water Quality Issues In 2016, Surfrider began meeting with officials at the Hawaii Dept. of Health (DOH) and their Clean Water Branch (CWB) on water quality issues. Based on results from the Kauai Chapter's Blue Water Task Force, Dr. Carl Berg showed that there were chronically polluted sites on the Island asked for warning signs to educate the public about potential health risks. Working with the EPA and other stakeholders across the Islands, we worked with CWB officials to help them improve their public notification process. Here's the new website.
  • Big Island Foam Ban Over the last year, Surfrider's Kona and Hilo Chapters worked with a coalition of groups to pass a ban on all EPS foam food products. With the growth of the Ocean Friendly Restaurants program and Foam-Free Hawaii, many local businesses sent in testimony in support of Bill 13. Sarah Rafferty, the Kona Chapter's OFR Coordinator, started a petition to support the bill and gathered over 7000 signatures, and Sufrider HQ sent out an Action Alert across Hawaii and the country. Megan Lamson of the Hawaii Wildlife Fund helped keep the Coalition informed of the legislative process and upcoming hearings. On Sept. 20th, Council Members voted to pass the bill, and Mayor Kim signed it into law. Now, the Hawaii Chapters are trying to pass a ban on Oahu and Kauai in an effort to make Hawaii the first state to ban foam!
  • Beach Access Victory at Kahala Beach The Oahu Chapter helps prevent luxury hotel from limiting beach access.Kahala Hotel & Resort sought to expand its outdoor wedding ceremonies and basically cut off access for local residents. But the plan was not well received by the community. Surfrider's Oahu Chapter joined the Waialae-Kahala Neighborhood Board, the Sierra Club and a handful of Oahu residents to mount protests to the hotel’s proposal. Critics said it would set a dangerous precedent by favoring commercial interests over public beach access, which is a hard-won right in Hawaii. In the face of mounting opposition, the Kahala Hotel & Resort ended up withdrawing its controversial request to obtain the easement for an acre of public shoreline for commercial enterprises. They also promised to keep access open to this pristine beach area.
  • Community Stops HPV - Haleiwa Plantation Village Surfrider helps stop a developer's attempts to build a new housing development on ag land. Grassroots organizers on the North Shore asked Surfrider's Oahu Chapter to help stop a controversial new housing development called the Haleiwa Plantation Village (HPV). The proposed project was developed by Scott Wallace, the heir to the Wallace Theater movie chain, who wanted to develop 29 new homes on land that was designated for agriculture. Wallace was asking the Honolulu City Council to rezone the area to residential so he could develop his new HPV housing project. But during a special City Council session, more than 300 local citizens turned out to oppose the development. Surfrider's former intern and current law student Mike Biechler gave extensive testimony on the legal reasons why the proposal should not be approved due to problems with rezoning, water runoff and Wallace's proposed injection well to deal with wastewater. For these reasons and more, the Council unanimously opposed Wallace's efforts to rezone the land and build his new housing development. HPV blocked!
  • Oahu Passes Plastic Bag Ban & Fee To reduce the amount of litter on Oahu, Surfrider led an effort to close the loopholes in the plastic bag ban and place a fee on all paper and plastic bags. After helping to pass the initial bag ban in 2012, Surfrider has been working to amend the law to close the loophole on the so-called "reusable plastic bags," which were just thicker. We also sought to place a fee on all paper and plastic bags to encourage people to use real, eco-friendly reusable bags. To do this, we reached out to Council Members, the Rise Above Plastics Coalition and the grocery stores to find a common solution. After five years of work, the Honolulu City Council finally passed Bill 59 CD3 on July 12, 2017, unanimously voting to support the fee and ban, which will phase out all plastic bags by 2020.
  • Hawaii Passes Ban on all Cesspools and Extends Tax Credit for Replacements Surfrider's Hawaii Chapters sought to pass an extended tax credit to help homeowners replace cesspools. In 2015, Surfrider helped pass a bill that would create a $10,000 tax credit to help homeowners replace old cesspools. But the bill only covered those homeowners with cesspools within 200 feet of a water body (ocean, stream or water source). This year, we worked with state legislators to pass a new bill HB1244 that would extend that coverage and offer more financial assistance to those who can't afford the conversion. Most importantly, the mandate the conversion of all cesspools to better septic systems, ATU's or sewer by 2050. HB1244 was signed into law on 7/10/17, becoming Act 125. Surfrider has been working on this issue for five years, and this was a successful end to the campaign!
  • Hawaii Passes Bills to Reduce Climate Change & Support Paris Agreement The Hawaii Chapters helped pass bills to improve soil health, increase carbon sequestration and reduce effects of climate change. Working with a coalition of groups, Surfrider's Hawaii Chapters have been pushing for more composting facilities in the state and supporting efforts to improve soil health. As part of that effort, we supported HB1578, a bill that would increase carbon sequestration, improve soil health and reduce greenhouse gasses by creating a Carbon Farming Task Force. The bill was passed into law (Act 33) on 6/6/17 at a Governor's Signing Ceremony that also celebrated the passing of another bill (Act 32) that made Hawaii the first state to commit to goals and guidelines of the Paris Climate Change Agreement.
  • Maui Foam Ban Maui County led the movement to ban plastic bags in Hawaii, and they just became the first in the state to ban polystyrene food containers. The Maui Chapter of Surfrider Foundation joined the movement years ago, but some Council Members suggested that they be part of a task force to study the issue. But years of deliberation and many studies only confirmed the fact that polystyrene is one of the most littered (top 10 items) and least recycled forms of plastic (less than 1%). With the rising popularity of the Ocean Friendly Restaurants program, chefs, restaurant owners and engaged customers also sent in testimony and helped convince the County Council members that it was time to get rid of polystyrene food containers. The Maui Chapter has been working with many other groups to pass this foam ban on Maui and another bill on the Big Island. We hope that Hawaii will eventually become the first state in the nation to ban polystyrene food containers!
  • Oahu Passes Climate Change Amendment Every 10 years, the City & County of Honolulu accepts charter amendments to its constitution, and Surfrider's Oahu Chapter helped create one that would "promote stewardship of natural resources for present and future generations and create an Office of Climate Change, Sustainability and Resiliency." During the last election, the citizens of Oahu voted to pass Charter Amendment 7 and create the new Office of Climate Change! As archipelago in the middle of the Pacific, Hawaii is vulnerable to climate change and sea level rise, and Oahu will lead the charge to deal with these challenges.
  • Save Oluwalu: Stop Hardening the Shoreline! Along with other organizations like Malama Oluwalu and Maui Tomorrow, the Maui Chapter of Surfrider Foundation joined a coalition of groups to protest the Dept. of Transportation's (DOT) plans to build seawalls along the West Maui shoreline. The project would have installed large boulders extending 40 feet into to the water and stretching hundreds of feet along the shoreline. Shoreline armoring projects adversely impact shorelines and coastal habitat, and this plan would have ruined many popular surf spots in the area and caused even more erosion. Many supporters waved signs and even camped along the highway to protect their favorite beaches. Thanks to protests from Archie Kalepa, Tiare Lawrence and groups like Malama Oluwalu, Maui Tomorrow & Surfrider, the DOT decided to stop the boldering project. In the face of climate change and rising sea levels, highways and roads in coastal areas around the state will face increasing threats of inundation. Instead of building seawalls or hardening the shoreline, which leads to more erosion, state agencies like the DOT need to begin working together to realign the roads farther inland and preserve our beaches as a buffer zone. Let Oluwalu serve as an example of how the people can take a stand, protect what they love and preserve our beaches!
  • Protect Peahi (Jaws) Campaign Helps Preserve Maui’s Beautiful North Shore Coastline! The Maui Chapter joined the Protect Pe'ahi Coalition to preserve 267 acres along Hamakua Coast on North Maui. The Coalition asked the Maui County Council and the Mayor to use money from the Open Space Fund to purchase this rural, undeveloped coastal land between Peahi, Kuiaha (K-Bay) and Puniawa to preserve this area for future generations. This parcel of coastal land is known for its Hawaiian cultural sites, including heiau (temples), fishing spots, traditional farming and iconic surf spots like Pe'ahi (aka Jaws). On September 2nd, the Maui County Council finalized the purchase of the Hamakua Coastline lands from Maui County Open Space funds. Now, the second phase of the campaign begins to preserve the adjoining Oili Parcel. Mahalo to Surfriders Mike Ottman & Lucienne De Naie, the local Haiku community and all those who helped lead the campaign and supported the preservation of 267 acres of the spectacular Hamakua Coastline!
  • President Obama Expands Papahanoumokuakea and Creates the Largest Marine Monument in the World Along with many scientists, Native Hawaiians and environmental groups, Surfrider urged Pres. Obama to expand the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. Pres. Obama announced the expansion at the beginning of the IUCN World Conservation Congress, which was held in Honolulu in early September 2016. The expansion of the Papahānaumokuākea Marine Monument would increase the area of the sanctuary from approximately 139,800 square miles to possibly 639,300 square miles. Hawaii is now home to the largest marine protected area in the world! For months, members of the Hawaiian community, Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) and over 1,500 scientists urged Pres. Obama to expand the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Under the leadership of the Oahu Chapter, the Surfrider Foundation sent in a letter in support of the expansion. Members of the Oahu Chapter also joined phone banks and rallied other groups and citizens to join the cause.
  • Better Public Notice of Beach Pollution in Hawaii The Kaua'i Chapter helped launch this campaign by asking the Hawaii Dept. of Health's Clean Water Branch to monitor more beaches and post warning signs at beaches contaminated with bacterial pollution for years now. In spite of increasing pressure to warn the public, there remain chronically polluted beaches on Kauai and across the Islands that are not posted. The Kauai Chapter's Blue Water Task Force program shared their water quality information with the public and the Environmental Protection Agency, and Surfrider's regional and national staff also began to reach out to the EPA to make sure that the HDOH upheld their own laws and posted signs at contaminated beaches. After launching a national Action Alert about the issue and setting up meetings across the country with local, state and federal officials, the EPA issued a stern letter to the Hawaii Department of Health stating that they need to uphold their own laws about posting warning signs at polluted beaches and coastal areas. If they don't, the HDOH would risk losing funding for their water quality testing from the BEACH Act. Although HDOH's Clean Water Branch has posted some warning signs at the worst spots like Waiopili Stream / Gillians Beach on Kauai and Keehi Lagoon on Oahu, there are still many beaches that require signs. So this is an important victory in the short run, but more signs and better public notification is still needed.
  • Hawaii Rejects Liquid Natural Gas When the company NextEra put in a $4.3 billion offer to buy Hawaiian Electric Co. (HECO), Surfrider's Hawaii Chapters decided to oppose the deal and their proposal to build expensive infrastructure to import Liquid Natural Gas (LNG). In 2015, Hawaii became the first in the country to pass a law to create a standard of 100% renewable energy by 2045. Yet the proposed Next Era takeover of Hawaii's largest utility company would have just swapped our dependence on one fossil fuel (crude oil) for another (natural gas). Recent studies show that methane leakage, a dangerous byproduct of hydraulic fracking and LNG production, is 80 times more harmful than CO2 to the atmosphere. Methane leaks that occur during the drilling and capture process offset the benefits of using a fossil fuel lower in CO2. Along with educating people about the dangers of methane, climate change and sea level rise, Surfrider members attended talks and rallies against the planned takeover. Working with Surfrider HQ, the Legal Department helped write a letter to the Public Utilities Commission opposing the NextEra deal and the proposal to import LNG. Together with other groups like Blue Planet, the Sierra Club and Life of the Land, our coalition successfully rallied against the takeover. On July 15, 2016 the PUC rejected NextEra's proposed takeover of HECO, moving Hawaii closer to true energy independence and the goal of 100% renewable energy by 2045.
  • Passage of Two Water Conservation Bills Surfrider Hawaii’s newly formed Legislative Committee members agreed to support several water conservation bills that were sponsored by a project called the Hawaii Fresh Water Initiative, made up of scientists, government officials and NGO & community leaders. Surfrider’s Hawaii Chapters focused on two important water conservation bills this past session. The first bill SB 2545 establishes a program to help the counties implement standardized water audits of public systems to reduce water loss, and the second HB 2040 creates a two-year pilot program to enable public-private partnerships to provide funds for projects that increase water security. Our Legislative Committee members from each chapter and other volunteers supported these bills and submitted testimony, and we joined the Hawaii Fresh Water Initiative to help pass them. We were honored to be invited to a special ceremony with the Governor and the Fresh Water Council on June 30th, 2016 when both bills were signed into law.
  • Hawaii Bans the Construction of New Cesspools With more than 90,000 cesspools across the Islands, Hawaii has the highest number in the country. Until recently, Hawaii was the only state that still allowed these substandard waste systems to be built. For the last few years, Surfrider Foundation's Hawaii Chapters have been working with the Dept. of Health to support changes to Hawaii's Administrative Rules (HAR) to ban cesspools. After years of advocating against the construction of new cesspools, we are happy to announce that Gov. Ige signed into law the new rule changes to ban them on March 11, 2016! “Cesspools provide no treatment, and inject about 55 million gallons of raw sewage into Hawaii’s groundwater every day, potentially spreading diseases and harming the quality of drinking water supplies and recreational waters,” Gov. Ige said at the signing announcement. The new HAR changes would also put into place the new $10,000 tax credits that Surfrider's Hawaii Chapters helped pass last year for homeowners to upgrade their cesspools to better septic systems in certain areas near water sources.
  • Hawaii Supreme Court Sides with Surfrider’s Oahu Chapter & Coalition in Waikiki Case Surfrider Foundation and a coalition of environmental groups received a big win from the Hawaii Supreme Court on Sept. 23, 2015 when it struck down the Kyo-Ya Resort and Hotel's zoning variance that would have violated the existing zoning and setback laws in Waikiki, the state’s most popular beach. The Supreme Court upheld the coastal preservation arguments of Surfrider Foundation, Hawaii’s Thousand Friends, Ka Iwi Coalition and KAHEA — The Hawaiian-Environmental Alliance — against the coastal setback variance requested by Kyo-Ya in 2010. Kyo-Ya Resorts was trying to redevelop the Moana Hotel's Diamond Head Tower and make it three times bigger than the current structure (from 8 stories to 26 stories). This proposed development would have violated all the existing height, density and shoreline setback requirements, making the new proposed hotel 74% out of code. The development was originally approved by the Honolulu City & County Council, the Department of Planning & Permitting and lower Circuit court, but Surfrider's legal team, the Coalition and their lawyer Linda Paul argued that it was still against the law. After five years of fighting, the Hawaii Supreme Court finally sided with the Coalition and ruled that Kyo-Ya's proposed development violated existing zoning laws and did not warrant any kind of variance or exemption!
  • Surfrider Hawaii Helps Pass State Bill to Give Tax Credits for Cesspool Upgrades Surfrider's Hawaii Chapters are committed to stopping construction of new cesspools and upgrading the existing ones to septic tanks or sewer (where it's available). With more than 90,000 in the Islands, Hawaii has more cesspools than any other state in the country and is the only one that still allows construction of new ones. Cesspools are a leading source of water pollution, and their effluent can contaminate drinking water sources, streams and oceans with disease-causing pathogens, algae-causing nutrients and other harmful substances. While trying to pass legislation, Surfrider also began working with the Dept. of Health to change Hawaii's Administrative Rules (HAR) internally to ban construction of new cesspools. We eventually helped pass a statewide bill to give tax breaks to homeowners who upgrade their cesspools to more environmentally-friendly septic tanks. On June 12, 2015 Surfrider staff members were invited to Governor David Ige's office for a signing ceremony for Act 120, which gives $10,000 income tax credits for homeowners in areas near water sources to upgrade their cesspools to more effective wastewater treatment systems.
  • Hawaii State Legislature Passes Stormwater Bill In 2014, Surfrider’s Hawaii Chapters joined an informal task force to draft a bill that would allow the counties to charge stormwater utility fees to reduce runoff into waterways and the ocean. Oahu Chapter Coordinator Rafael Bergstrom worked with Rep. Chris Lee to write and introduce the bill, and the Hawaii Chapters supported it throughout the legislative session. We formed a coalition of groups to support the bill, met with the key legislators and even hosted a "Civics Is Sexy" Workshop to educate people about the legislative process and how they could support bills like this. HB1325 passed both the House and Senate on 4/26/15. Now that the Governor has signed the bill into law, the counties will be able to charge utility fees to reduce stormwater runoff, which is one of the leading causes of water pollution. Surfrider chapters throughout the state are now working with the counties to help set up stormwater utilities to implement the program.
  • Hawaii State Legislature Passes Smoke-Free Beaches & Parks Bill! Partnering with the Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Hawaii, Surfrider’s Hawaii Chapters helped pass Smoke-Free Parks & Beaches Bills in Honolulu County (Oahu) in 2013 and in Maui County in 2014. In order to promote a statewide ban (HB525), we then expanded the Rise Above Plastics Coalition to include other organizations like Styrophobia, Conservation Council for Hawaii, Sustainable Coastlines and Kokua Hawaii Foundation. To support the bill, our coalition sponsored a statewide cleanup on Sat., Jan 31, and collected more than 15,000 cigarette butts. We had biweekly conference calls with the Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Hawaii and met with many of the key legislators to make sure it moved forward. The bill passed through both the House and Senate on 4/28/15 and was sent to the Governor’s office. When the bill is signed into law, Hawaii will be the first state in the country to ban smoking and tobacco products on its state beaches and parks.
  • Oahu Chapter Helps Pass Plastic Bag Bill Amendment In 2012, Surfrider activists helped lead a campaign to pass a plastic bag ban on Oahu, making Hawaii the first state to ban these toxic tumbleweeds in every county. The bill was signed into law, but it created a big loophole that still allowed so-called "biodegradable plastic bags," which can contain up to 95% plastic. These bags quickly break down into micro-plastics, which are detrimental to the environment and can be digested by terrestrial and marine creatures. Bill 38 was created to close that loophole, though it still contained language allowing compostable bags (which are certified to contain no plastic, only inert organic ingredients). The Oahu Chapter worked with other environmental groups to pass it through the Honolulu City Council (which includes all of Oahu), and the Mayor signed it into law at a ceremony on Sept. 25th, 2014 with representatives from the Surfrider Foundation, Sustainable Coastlines and Kokua Hawaii Foundation.
  • Kewala Bay & Kuhuku Point Saved on Oahu's North Shore! Bringing together generations of activists, the Oahu Chapter worked with the Trust for Public Land Trust (TPL) and the North Shore Community Land Trust (NSCLT) and other groups to help pass a bill to save 665 acres of pristine coastline along the North Shore of Oahu. In the past, the Turtle Bay Resort had wanted to develop hotels in these areas, and the Oahu Chapter and its founder Peter Cole had fought this for almost a decade. The Chapter later filed an amicus brief in support of a lawsuit to make the resort update its 25-year old EIS statement. After having to update the Supplemental EIS, the Resort began working with the state and groups like TPL's Lea Hong and NSCLT's Doug Cole (Peter's son), who all helped raise funds to put the land in conservation. Members of Surfrider, Defend Oahu Coalition, Keep the North Shore Country and other groups rallied for the conservation easement and joined forces with the Governor, key legislators and members of the Turtle Bay Resort to create a win-win situation for all involved. In early May, the legislature passed HB 2434 and authorized the state to spend almost $40 million to put about 5 miles of pristine coastline into permanent conservation easement for the benefit of locals and visitors alike for generations to come!
  • Kakaako Makai Saved - Again! In 2006, the Oahu Chapter joined a coalition of groups called Save Our Kakaako to stop the construction of luxury high-rise condo towers on the public land of Kakaako Makai. The Coalition then helped pass a law preventing any future residential development in Kakaako. This was a huge victory, preserving the last stretch of coastline and open space along Honolulu's South Shore. But in Jan. of 2014, legislators introduced a bill that would allow the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) to develop three high-rise towers in the area. This was part of a special exemption deal they made with OHA with the support of the Governor and many politicians. Chapter leaders met with OHA members and explained that though they supported their organization in general, we could not support this unlawful exemption. The Coalition reunited once again, and the Oahu Chapter fought hard to protect the law we had helped pass in 2006. Although it looked grim at times, legislators eventually upheld the law not allowing any residential development in this last portion of open space along Honolulu's South Shore.
  • Maui Chapter Helps Pass Tobacco-Free Beaches and Parks Bill On Earth Day 2014, the Maui Chapter joined other groups to celebrate the passing of a county council bill to ban smoking on the Island’s beaches and parks. As part of Surfrider’s Hold On To Your Butts Campaign, the Chapter partnered with the Maui District Student Council Organization (MDSCO) to host cigarette butt cleanups around the Island on Sun., Jan. 12, 2014. Acting as MDSCO’s advisor and Surfrider’s Volunteer Coordinator, Andrew O’Riordan helped bring together other groups like Sustainable Coastlines and the Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Hawaii to organize the cleanups and follow-up actions. Scores of students and local leaders collected more than 14,000 cigarette butts in less than two hours, and they gathered at the County Administration building the next day to present their findings to the public and the County Council. Recognizing their efforts, Mayor Arakawa declared the day to be “Butts Off Our Beaches Day.” The Maui Chapter then worked with students and a number of different groups over several months to move the bill through the County Council, whose members passed the bill for tobacco-free beaches on Earth Day, Tue., April 22, 2014. Smoking is now banned at beaches and parks on the Big Island, Oahu and Maui, and if a similar bill is passed on Kauai, Hawaii will become the first state to ban smoking on its beaches and parks.
  • Kona Kai Ea Chapter Helps Save O’oma on the Big Island For almost 25 years, local groups on the Big Island have been working to preserve a large parcel of land along the Kona Coast known as O’oma. Land owners tried repeatedly to convert the land from conservation status to urban so they could develop the pristine area. Over the years, Surfrider's Kona Kai Ea Chapter partnered with other non-profits to keep the land in conservation by testifying against the conversion and urging the Country to buy the land. On Dec. 31, 2013, the County of Hawaii finally completed the purchase of all 217 acres of ‘O‘oma, located between Kohanaiki and the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii. This is the latest acquisition in the county’s Public Access, Open Space, and Natural Resource Preservation Program. The acquisition of ‘O‘oma also will help preserve ocean water quality and healthy reefs for locals and visitors for generations to come.
  • Kauai Passes GMO and Pesticide Bill Picking up where the sugar and pineapple plantations left off, Monsanto and some of the world's largest GMO & biotech companies have made Hawaii a central testing ground for their experimental seed crops and pesticides. As thousands of local residents began raising concerns about the environmental and health effects of GMOs and toxic pesticides, the Chapter joined a coalition of groups demanding to know more about the undisclosed amounts of GMO crops and pesticides being used in fields across the Island. After a long and contentious debate, the Kauai County Council passed a bill on Oct. 17, 2013 to regulate where the companies can plant and spray their pesticides. When it takes effect next summer, Bill 2491 will require large agri-businesses to disclose the amount of pesticides and GMOs they are using and to implement buffer zones near schools, dwellings, medical facilities, public roadways and waterways. In their testimony, the Kauai Chapter wrote that runoff from industrial ag is one of the worst sources of ocean pollution and that the buffer zones would help reduce the amount of toxic pesticides flowing into waterways and into the ocean.
  • Surfrider’s Oahu Chapter Helps Pass Smoking Ban In 2011, during meetings with the Hawaii Dept. of Health about the statewide bag bills, we began talking about a possible ban on smoking. The Oahu Chapter joined with other groups like Sustainable Coastlines and the Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Hawaii to lobby for Bill 72 to ban on smoking on Oahu's South Shore beaches and parks. When this bill passed the Honolulu City Council in the Spring of 2013, the coalition widened to include BEACH and the Sierra Club and began pushing for an island-wide ban. After months of lobbying, the City Council voted unanimously to pass Bill 25 on Wed., July 10. Following the lead of the Big Island, Oahu will become the second county in Hawaii to ban smoking in all of its public parks and beaches!
  • Honolua Bay Is Saved! Almost a year after the successful “Save Ma’alea Bay” campaign, the Maui Chapter has worked with other environmental groups to help preserve Lipoa Point. A large swath of land on Maui’s west side, Lipoa Point encompasses the world-famous surfing spot Honolua Bay, which is also a treasured cultural area and marine reserve. Starting in 2007, Maui Land and Pineapple Company (the area’s landowners) proposed a golf course and 40 luxury homes overlooking the Bay. Following the lead of the Save Honolua Coalition, Surfrider’s Maui Chapter joined other marine conservation and Native Hawaiian groups in successfully opposing the development for years. When the Maui County Council then voted to remove 131 acres of Lipoa Point from preservation, the Hawaiian Island Land Trust quickly stepped in to work with Maui, Land and Pineapple to find a solution. Partnering with the Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, HILT offered to purchase the land and convert the area into a conservation easement. On May 6th, 2013 Hawaii state lawmakers officially passed House Bill 1424, a bill authorizing the acquisition of 280 acres surrounding Lipoa Point. Surfrider’s Maui Chapter submitted testimony in favor of the bill and mobilized its members into action, and Governor Abercrombie was expected to sign the bill into law.
  • Surfrider’s Hawaii Chapters Help Repeal the PLDC! One of the top legislative priorities for Surfrider’s Hawaii Chapters this year was the repeal of the Public Lands Development Corporation. (“Those are four words that should never go together,” one activist said.) The bill creating the PLDC was pushed through the legislature at the last minute in 2011, and it was designed to create partnerships between the Dept. of Land & Natural Resources (DLNR) and private companies to develop “underused” public lands, harbors and coastal areas to raise revenue for the state. But the controversial government agency drew criticism from across the state, and environmental groups like Surfrider and Sierra Club joined forces with social and labor groups like Aikea and Local 5 to oppose the broad land-use exemptions created by the PLDC. Even though the PLDC was supported by the Governor, politicians and big developers, the grassroots groups worked together to organize enough public opposition to demand repeal of the bill creating the agency. Feeling the pressure, almost all of the politicians who once supported the agency then voted against it. On April 22, 2013, Governor Abercrombie signed the new law repealing the PLDC.
  • University of Hawaii Bans EPS Foam on Campus In the Fall of 2012, a campaign was launched to ban the use of EPS foam (styrofoam) at the Univ. of Hawaii's Manoa campus dining locations. The UH Quad Club started a petition that was signed by students, faculty and staff, and then the Oahu Chapter's RAP Coordinator set up meetings with the Chancellor, creating both a bottom-up and top-down approach. Through the petition campaign and collaboration with students, faculty, staff, and administration, UH Manoa is now going foam-free! The approved policy encourages the use of reusable and compostable products, and it bans EPS foam from being used by new or existing vendors (when they renew their current contracts). This a momentous victory for the sustainability movement at UH Manoa, UH Manoa's Surfrider Club and members of the Oahu Chapter, who all played a big role in the activism and organizing that fueled the campaign. Please see this link to see the official policy passed in April 2013.
  • Oahu Chapter helps pass Smoking Ban on South Shore Beaches As part of its statewide Rise Above Plastics Campaign, the Hawaii Chapters began working with the Dept. of Health's Tobacco Prevention and Education Program a couple of years ago to talk about how to reduce cigarette litter on the state's beaches. In 2012, the Oahu Chapter partnered with Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii and the Coalition For a Tobacco-Free Hawaii to push for a ban on smoking on Oahu's Beaches. Council Member Stanley Chang introduced the bill last year, and other groups like the Sierra Club's Oahu Chapter joined the growing coalition. On March 20th, 2013 the Honolulu City Council passed Bill 17 to ban smoking on all beaches and parks from Ala Moana to Sandy Beach (President Obama's favorite bodysurfing spot), including Waikiki and most of the South Shore. If successful, the City Council hopes to expand the ban to all of Oahu. Mayor Kirk Caldwell is a supporter of the smoking ban and has signed the bill into law.
  • Surfrider Overcomes Big Challenge to Access on the Big Island! In Hawaii, Surfrider Foundation’s Hilo Chapter has fought for over two years to open up trail access to Papaikou Mill Beach, one of the few sandy beaches on the East side of the Big Island. Known as a popular surfing, fishing and recreational spot, the beach is also used by students at the University of Hawaii (UH) at Hilo for educational purposes in observing the endangered monk seal and other ecological resources. Neighbors and beach goers also clean the trail and beach when it is open. The access issue began when the current owners bought the property in 1995, then used a fence and gate in 2004 to begin limiting access to certain hours of the day. They did this despite the fact that the trail had been open to public use for decades prior. In fact, maps dating back to the 1880s illustrate a public beach access along the property, and in 1970 the County included the beach access in a survey report. Still, the new owners limited the public’s access at their discretion and even called for the arrest of surfers using the access trail after their set hours. Surfrider’s Hilo Chapter worked with local homeowners and community groups like Global HOPE (UH-Hilo student organization) to recover public access in a peaceful and cooperative way. At one point, the Hilo Chapter anticipated the use of litigation to establish a public prescriptive easement as a last resort for opening the trail. However, at the same time, members were also asking elected officials to do something. After years of public petitions and protests, the County Council finally acted to prevent messy litigation and protect the public’s historic right of access! On November 21, 2012, the County of Hawaii (Big Island) passed Resolution No. 308-12 to authorize the eminent domain of the Papaikou Mill beach trail as a historic route. But the County still needs to finalize the condemnation settlement with the property owners and the Director of Finance to initiate any funding mechanisms required for acquisition of the access trail. The Chapter will continue to support the County in finalizing these efforts and establishing a public access trail at Papaikou Mill Beach. We congratulate the Hilo Chapter and its leaders (especially James Kuriyama, Joel Tessier and Niels Christensen) for driving the establishment of an important local right of access and furthering Surfrider Foundation’s objective of securing universal, low-impact beach access for all people.
  • Oahu Bans Plastic Bags! Surfrider's Oahu Chapter has been working for years to pass a statewide Bag Bill in the legislature to reduce both plastic and paper bags. The statewide RAP Campaign worked with other chapters and organizations to form a large and diverse coalition of supporters. But in spite of broad support and overwhelmingly positive testimonies, a few House leaders blocked the popular bill. So Surfrider's Oahu Chapter switched its focus to passing a ban in the Honolulu City Council in the Spring of 2012. After hearing from this coalition of supporters, the Council quickly passed the bill on April 25th! After meeting with representatives from Surfrider and the Sierra Club, the Mayor committed to signing it into law. Although the law won't go into effect until 2015, supporters were thrilled that Oahu would soon be free of these toxic tumbleweeds. Because bans have already been passed on Maui, Kauai, the Big Island and now Oahu, Hawaii will be the first state in the country to ban plastic bags in all of its counties!
  • Ma’alaea Saved! Starting as early as 1968, the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) proposed the idea of building a breakwater for a "navigation improvement project" for Ma'alaea Small Boat Harbor. Since 1990, even before there was a Maui Chapter, the Surfrider Foundation has campaigned against the construction of a breakwater that would have destroyed the world-class wave "Freight Trains" and damaged the near-shore reefs and waters. Since its inception, the Maui Chapter has continued to oppose any damaging engineering projects at Ma'alaea, working with other environmental and community groups like the Sierra Club, John Kelly's Save Our Surf, the Hawaii Wildlife Fund, EarthJustice, the Save Ma'alaea Coalition and many others. Along with helping to produce an impressive documentary about the issue, the Surfrider Foundation contributed funds toward an independent study and alternative plan for the area. After two decades of fighting, Surfrider's leaders of this campaign are stoked that the Army Corps of Engineers and the Dept. Of Land and Natural Resources's Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation listened to our concerns and have at last agreed to cancel this project.
  • Holualoa and Lyman’s Surf Break in Kona Saved from Development A Big Island developer is abandoning plans to build a four-story condominium between favorite Kona surf spots Lyman’s and Banyans on the ocean front of Holualoa Bay. After public outcry, Surfrider’s Kona Kai Ea Chapter, the West Hawaii Surfing Association, Kanuha Ohana and other groups joined together to stop this threat. The four-story condominium would have been less than 40 feet from reef shoreline in an area sacred to the Hawai'ian people. The rallies, clean-up and on-line efforts resulted in hundreds of people attending hearings at the Leeward Planning Commission, Kailua-Kona. Supporters from around the Hawai'ian islands and as far as California filled the meeting room to voice a unified concern against this development. On March 8, 2011 Allen Meredith of Meredith Kailua-Kona LLC investment group withdrew his application for a special management area permit or SMA 10-41, saying a large, four-story condominium complex would be inappropriate for Lyman’s surf spot.
  • Seed Companies Stopped from Muddying Kauai’s Waters Soil erosion is one of the major pollutants impacting the ocean waters of Kauai. The main culprits are large scale agriculture, housing developments, and roadside maintenance. Soil entering the water "clouds" the water , inhibiting coral reef photosynthesis and growth. It also simply smothers the reefs, killing them. Fields formerly planted in sugar are now being used for GMO seed crops, but Best Management Practices (BMPs) for these new crops are not being implemented. Two seed crop companies were recently caught operating without proper BMPs and County grubbing permits. Their illegal and unconscionable lack of soil conservation measures caused huge amounts of erosion of soil from recently tilled fields that ran into waters on the west side of Kauai, killing the reefs and ruining local subsistence fishing. Fishermen, fearing reprisals from local ag employers and getting no action from the County government, turned to Surfrider Kauai to expose the illegal practices of the GMO companies and force the government to take action. The seed companies now have adopted BMPs and have obtained County permits. This is a first victory in a new campaign against soil erosion polluting our waters.
  • Access Protected at Larsen's Beach on Kauai When Paradise Ranch tried to fence in a property that would block access to an area called Larsen's Beach, the Kauai Chapter joined a couple of other organizations to contest the permit they were granted. After trying to fight these legal challenges, Paradise Ranch chose to surrender the permit, and beach access was preserved.
  • Save O'oma--Kona Land Retains its Conservation Status The Kona Kai Ea Chapter partnered with other local environmental groups to block the reclassification of the O'oma land from conservation to urban. Property owner Dennis Moresco and developers wanted to build a new project called O'oma Beachside Village on the last piece of pristine coastal land in Kona near the airport; so they tried to convince the Land Use Commission (LUC) to go along with their plan. This was the third time developers had tried to reclassify the land as urban so they could proceed with their projects. But after three and a half years of overwhelming public testimony against the development, the LUC finally decided to maintain the land's conservation status. This was partly because of fears that the proposed development would be threatened by noise from the expanding Kona airport.
  • Beach Access Bill Passed The new law, HB 1808 requires the Department of Land and Natural Resources to maintain beach transit corridors by prohibiting land owners from planting vegetation that interferes with the corridors. It also establishes access to the corridors as a policy within the Coastal Zone Management Program. Notice will be given to property owners adjacent to the corridors if vegetation from their property blocks access to the shoreline. The Department has the authority to take enforcement action if the issue is not resolved after 21 days. All beaches in Hawaii are supposed to be accessible by the public, but increasingly, private landowners were blocking passages with overgrown vegetation or extending their yards further toward the ocean on public beaches. Although the bill targets landowners' use of vegetation to block beach access, it also includes language that enforces laws against the use of gates, fences, walls and signs.
  • Turtle Bay Victory—Kuilima Resort Required to do SEIS Using an old Environmental Impact Statement from 1985, the Kuilima Resort tried to push through a massive development plan for its Turtle Bay Resort on the North Shore of Oahu, refusing to consider how dramatically conditions had changed in the last 25 years. The Sierra Club’s Hawaii Chapter and the Keep the North Shore Country filed a lawsuit against the owners, and Surfrider’s Oahu Chapter donated $10,000 toward the cause. Though two lower courts sided with the Resort, the Hawaii Supreme Court finally announced its decision to force the owners to do a Supplemental EIS for its Turtle Bay Expansion Plan. More info.
  • Kauai Bans Plastic Shopping Bags The island of Kauai banned the use of plastic grocery bags. The hard-fought win came at the culmination of a two-year campaign by the Kauai Chapter based on the Rise Above Plastics campaign toolkit. The ordinance will ban distribution from all non-biodegradable plastic bags from retail stores on the island. The bill goes into effect on Jan. 11, 2011, the same day that Maui County's plastic checkout bag ban goes into effect. Retailers that violate this law will face charges of $250-$1,000 per day (depending on the number of offenses cited). The county will distribute 25,000 free reusable bags to assist the local community make the transition away from single-use bags.
  • Favorable Hawaii Navy Sonar Ruling. Federal District Court Chief Judge Ezra in Hawaii ruled that the U.S. Navy would not be allowed to carry on its undersea warfare exercises without implementing further mitigation measures to protect marine mammals. In response to a complaint brought by Surfrider and other conservation groups, Judge Ezra ordered eight new mitigation provisions including increased monitoring for marine mammals for one hour each day before using sonar, three lookouts exclusively to spot the animals during sonar use and stop sonar transmission altogether when one of the mammals is within 500 meters, and sonar must be gradually powered on to warn marine mammals and allow escape. The judge also held that the Navy has failed to investigate alternatives to conducting these exercises. In a parallel case in California on the same day, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected President Bush's attempt to exempt the exercises from environmental laws.
  • Preservation of Pupukea-Paumalu, North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii Surfrider Oahu Chapter and Surfrider Japan, working together with North Shore Community Land Trust, the Trust for Public Land and many dedicated community activists, helped secure the scenic bluffs overlooking the famous North Shore waves of Sunset Beach, Rocky Point and Pipeline from development. The coalition eventually included backing by the state, the city, the military and federal agencies, which contributed to the purchase price of approximately $8 million. Fundraising for Pupukea-Paumalu continues in an effort to support the coordination of community planning and stewardship activities so that residents, visitors and surfers from around the world will be able to enjoy the property in perpetuity. The North Shore Community Land Trust has set up a special restricted savings account for the Pupukea Paumalu Stewardship Fund. All tax-deductible donations to this fund are designated specifically for the acquisition and protection costs for Pupukea Paumalu. More Info.
  • The Oahu Chapter has been working closely with the Hawaii Dept. of Health Clean Water Branch (DOH) in reviewing and modifying their ocean water quality testing procedures and standards. In April 2005 when EPA presented a BEACH Act grant check to DOH, Oahu Chapter chairperson Peter Cole was part of the presentation, symbolizing the partnership between EPA, Surfrider, and DOH in the protection of the beaches of the State of Hawaii.
  • Between 200 and 300 people, including Oahu Chapter activists, marched to the State Capitol to oppose plans to sell land along the Kakaako waterfront and build high-rise apartments. Surfrider is part of a Save our Kakaako coalition that includes Life of the Land and Sierra Club.
  • The Oahu and Maui Chapters began posting current DOH beach water quality results on their websites, before DOH had the capability of doing so. The DOH website now has current water quality data.

To see all of Surfrider Foundation's coastal victories and campaigns, go here.

State of the Beach Report: Hawaii
Hawaii Home Beach Description Beach Access Water Quality Beach Erosion Erosion Response Beach Fill Shoreline Structures Beach Ecology Surfing Areas Website
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